Calculate Age using JavaScript in D365
Calculate Age using JavaScript in D365
To get Age Value Using JavaScript prerequisites are :
1. Create A Date Column (Field) in Table(Entity) and name it "Date of Birth" or "DOB"
Copy the Schema Name : Ex: new_dob ;
2. Create An Age Column(Field) in Table (Entity) and name it "Age"
Copy the Schema Name : Ex: new_age ;
3. Write A JavaScript Code in any Editor as below or directly in WebResource
function getAge(executionContext)
debugger // Used for debugging Errors
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
var dob = formContext.getAttribute("new_dob").getValue(); //Getting value from dob field
var today = new Date(); // getting current date value and storing in "today" variable
var birthdate = new Date(dob) // passing dob variable into new Date and storing in birthdate variable
var age = today.getFullYear()-birthdate.getFullYear(); //getting Full Year Values from today & Birthdate
formContext.getAttribute("new_age").setValue(age); // Setting value to Age Field
4. Create A WebResource Library and Paste Code over there Save and Publish all Customizations
5. Trigger an onChange Event on "Date of Brith " Column(field)
6. Pass the Function Name getAge and Check box on Passing execution context at First Parameter, Click Done
7. Here we go Code starts working in your Application
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